I'm Baaaaaack! :)

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Message 1484 - Posted: 14 Aug 2013, 4:36:51 UTC - in response to Message 1407.  

Last modified: 14 Aug 2013, 4:56:51 UTC
@ Siran - Sent you a message regarding QMC via your web site.

@ Jim, relax, this is typical of Dagoraths' sardonic replies. I believe you have written in your post
"remember that individuals have the right to their own opinions"
, well that's Dagoraths opinion. There is no malice in there, you just need to chill a bit :)


I received 2 different e-mails concerning QMC, thanks. :)

Opinions or no, Dagorath does not need to berate, insult, call names, whatever just to get his point across.

You do it. Why can't I? Are you better than me? Besides, my point is that you are an idiot. How can I get that point across without saying "You are an idiot".

I don't care what his 'opinion' is about SETI or anything for that matter.

Yes you do care. When you put the word opinion in quotes like you did you intend to say my opinion sucks. If you truly don't care then why do you bother to berate it? Again, what you say just doesn't make sense.

His words are venom, spewed out because he is a coward and cannot face people in real life with the attitude he has.

Wrong again. I treat other stupid people just like I treat you. The difference is you still don't see what an idiot you are, you still say stupid crap. Most other people realize what they're doing and find/buy a brain cell or two. Not you.

So, he takes it out on people like me that ask a simple question or Jim who responds to him in my absence.

Your question was rhetorical and cliche. In other words it was the standard (and oh so tiring) "I crunch SETI therefore your project must cater to MY needs not your own and I'll quit if you don't meet my demands." We're sick of that crap. We read it at every project. Most of you have been told off so often you've learned what your place actually is or have given up trying to lord it over the other projects but you are a little slow on the uptake and seem to be championing that worn out cause. Really, your problem (the one you whined about in you initial post) has been discussed in so many other forums and at SETI too. Everybody else gets it, what's the matter with you?

Yes, I know, I have not been around for some time.

Nobody cares. Why do you seem to think we do?

With cowards like Dagorath berating and insulting me even when I am not here, can you blame me?

Awwww, poor baby, so wounded he couldn't stop sobbing long enough to post. I really feel sorry for you. Yes, I do!! Did Mommy come by and make some chicken soup for you and sing lullabies? Did you watch Mr. Dressup reruns for weeks until his "You are valuable and loved" message got you back on your feet? Good ol' Mr. Dressup! What would mama's boys like you do without him!

Now he starts in on someone else.

He berated me, I berated him. Why aren't you on his butt about spewing venom?

I haven't been around because I had other, more important things to do.

Oh we all know you are the important one. Oh yes, you crunch SETI!! And you have a starship to command!!! <rolls eyes>

In all honesty, I have to start wondering about people that allow cowards like Dagorath to do as he does in a forum, and then defend him.

You're STILL confused. Are you ever not confused? I'll try to explain to you. See, the one who permits my posts is the moderator. But that's all he does. You seem to think he permits it and that he also defends me. He doesn't. Those who defend me are not moderators, they just defend, they can't deny permission. Read it again and repeat until it finally makes sense. Sorry for insulting you again but you blow in here without even a basic understanding of what's going on and start (and end) with stupid drivel. And you do it over and over. When are you going to learn? I mean why do you think the moderator permits my posts? Could it be he agrees with my opinions? Could it be he thinks SETI is a waste of valuable resources too and that anybody who crunches it is a moron? Maybe he thinks I'm doing you a favor by telling you you're a moron and maybe he's wondering when you're finally going to wise up? Do you have a better explanation for why I am permitted?
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Profile Siran d'Vel'nahr

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Message 1508 - Posted: 18 Aug 2013, 13:51:33 UTC - in response to Message 1484.  
-[ all drivel snipped, not worth quoting... ]-

Greetings Dago,

You started this frakking war, ASSHOLE, because you think you are better than EVERYONE else in the frakking universe. I came here seeking information about why this project was performing on my PC the way it was. You immediately began insulting me simply because I do SETI. I couldn't give a rats ASS what you think of SETI. It is immensely better than this frakking project only because this project allows ASSHOLES like you to do as you do.

Listen up ASSHOLE! Just because someone does not know something that you do and comes to seek answers does in no way make them an idiot as you have so labeled me.

I will be detaching from this project as soon as I have posted this. You want to continue your frakking treatment of me? Go to SETI and you will find me there. But beware, what you do here is NOT tolerated at SETI. Wait a frakking minute... I seem to remember you saying you were going to go to SETI several months ago. Did you ever show up? No? Too cowardly to go to a proper project and do your dastardly deeds there, huh? ;)

See ya... Oh wait, no I won't. I won't be a part of this project with you around. So... I'll just say good riddance. :)

CMDR Siran d'Vel'nahr XO
USS Vre'kasht NCC-33187

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