Posts by HA-SOFT, s.r.o.

41) (Message 2679)
Posted 10 Mar 2014 by Profile HA-SOFT, s.r.o.
Is it just me, or are others seeing their validation pending increasing and RAC falling???

My validation pending tasks are double the usual, and my RAC has dropped more than 2000 credits as a result, i`m not complaining at all,i just dont understand why this should be.

I have noted that some of my wingmen are using a lot of processors,32 in some cases, could it be that these guy`s are running so many projects and their daily turn around for A@H is having this effect on my validated results.

Just curious......



There are some big crunchers with lot of tasks in queue.
42) (Message 2644)
Posted 4 Mar 2014 by Profile HA-SOFT, s.r.o.
New version of GPU app has been released.

- Added support for nVidia Maxwell cards (compute capability 5.0)
- Changed grid size to decrease screen lag on slower cards (GT640...)
43) (Message 2623)
Posted 2 Mar 2014 by Profile HA-SOFT, s.r.o.
I think it's something wrong with adding new wu's, but we have to wait for Kyong.

44) (Message 2593)
Posted 26 Feb 2014 by Profile HA-SOFT, s.r.o.
For GTX750 and GTX750Ti owners:

we do not support these cards (compute capability 5.0) for now.

Work is in progress ....

45) (Message 2591)
Posted 24 Feb 2014 by Profile HA-SOFT, s.r.o.
I will look at it. I'm so busy at work for now.

46) (Message 2574)
Posted 22 Feb 2014 by Profile HA-SOFT, s.r.o.
Mining do not use floating point calculations.
47) (Message 2556)
Posted 19 Feb 2014 by Profile HA-SOFT, s.r.o.
Hey guys. I have noticed this too. Not quite sure what I'm going to do about it yet......but it'd be ideal if it got fixed :-) (If only it were that easy, right?)

We cann't fix nvidia driver.
48) (Message 2518)
Posted 13 Feb 2014 by Profile HA-SOFT, s.r.o.
OK - driver update fixed this: I had never updated drivers as my PC builder warned me against doing such....

AS far as I can see neither of my GTX 650 Ti GPUs is processing any GPU tasks. Do I need to do anything special to get such tasks?


Your PC downloaded new tasks for GPU. So there are in queue.
49) (Message 2516)
Posted 13 Feb 2014 by Profile HA-SOFT, s.r.o.
Still no change; I unhid my computers, checkes all account details. Any further ideas?

I still see your computers are hidden. Do you check "right" account?
50) (Message 2509)
Posted 7 Feb 2014 by Profile HA-SOFT, s.r.o.
Cool :), what are the differences? Have you got a version history page explaining that?

New app is about 20% faster. No other changes.

Btw, I just had a thought, with the discussion going on here saying that A@H on GPUs uses DP, why has development started on NVidia cards rather than AMD??
More of the AMD/ATI cards have decent DP power.

Simply because I know CUDA so I was much faster with CUDA. And yes CUDA framework is much much easier to learn and use.
51) (Message 2492)
Posted 3 Feb 2014 by Profile HA-SOFT, s.r.o.
I notice in the Boinc "Notices" that Seti has released GPU support for Intel GPUs that support OpenCL 1.2. According to Intel,

The 3rd Generation HD Graphics 2500 supports OpenCl 1.2, so that's Ivy Bridge. If Seti can support OpenCl 1.2 apps on Ivy Bridge, why can't Asteroids?

It's on our todo list after OpenCL for AMD GPUs.
52) (Message 2477)
Posted 31 Jan 2014 by Profile HA-SOFT, s.r.o.
Do you have the 2.5" hybrid drives described in the link?

I think it's not hybrid drive. It's 10k high speed server disk. These disks are more expensive.
53) (Message 2476)
Posted 31 Jan 2014 by Profile HA-SOFT, s.r.o.
[quote] Another thing that discourages me is that HA-Soft said the best configuration is a CPU with the AVX 2.0 instruction set extension. If I understand him correctly he is saying AVX 2.0 will complete an A@H task faster than a Titan. Well, I'll be ordering a Haswell with AVX 2.0 fairly soon and if it turns out faster than a GTX 670 on current A&H tasks then I see no reason to do a risky hack on an expensive video card.

No, it's not faster. GPU Titan is 3x faster than CPU Intel Haswell, but CPU is more efficient. CPU can run 4 task in parallel (4 cores) so 3 tasks GPU vs. 4 tasks CPU. Power consumption/cooling is better for CPU also and of course CPU is cheaper than GPU.
54) (Message 2446)
Posted 26 Jan 2014 by Profile HA-SOFT, s.r.o.
The GPU app development is still in progress. We will release new version after server maintenance next week. There is a 50% improvement over 1st version and about 20% over current official version.
55) (Message 2433)
Posted 23 Jan 2014 by Profile HA-SOFT, s.r.o.
Doporučuji se přesunout do fóra na Tam běží česká verze s mnoha zkušenými počtáři. Hlavní fórum udržujeme v angličtitě, aby to nebylo pro ostaní matoucí.

Díky a hodně štěstí při počítání
56) (Message 2420)
Posted 17 Jan 2014 by Profile HA-SOFT, s.r.o.
Why not build a single app and do a test for AVX (like Primegrid did with the LLR program)? Instead of having to force users to mess with their projects?

Because it can not be one app. The only way is to have wrapper and app and we do not want this solution.

I think this is a basic problem of boinc client for now. I absolutely don't know why developers didn't add this capability to the client for so long time.
57) (Message 2407)
Posted 12 Jan 2014 by Profile HA-SOFT, s.r.o.
I have a question ? Are these new NVIDIA apps the reason that the Period Search Application has quit working correctly on my computer. I do not have NVIDIA I have ATI video card.

I think not. What is in message log?
58) (Message 2373)
Posted 5 Jan 2014 by Profile HA-SOFT, s.r.o.
I have not tried mine here yet but I ALWAYS leave a cpu core free when using my gpu's, unless I see in the very low cpu % usage while the gpu is crunching. For instance my 7970, on another project, is using 0.84% cpu and I do have a cpu core free just to keep it fed and running as fast as possible. If I change it to use all cpu cores for crunching my gpu crunch times go up.

I do this for GPUGRID only. Other project like DistrRTGen and Asteroids can live without dedicated CPU core.

DistrRTGen was the one I was referring too, using 0.84% of a cpu core means I always leave a core free just to keep it fed. I am doing units in the 36 minute range on a 7970 that way. I JUST got my first Asteroid units and they are only using 0.01% of a cpu core with an Nvidia 560Ti card. On Einstein, also with a 560Ti Nvidia card, it is using 0.2% of a cpu core per unit, I am running 2 units at once though, so 0.4% total.

It's right for OpenCL and/or ATI. For CUDA App with blocking sync it's not necessary (when CPU is not needed, of course)
59) (Message 2357)
Posted 3 Jan 2014 by Profile HA-SOFT, s.r.o.
Error while downloading GPU WU.

You are right, it's problem on server. Kyong will fix it.

Sorry for that.
60) (Message 2354)
Posted 3 Jan 2014 by Profile HA-SOFT, s.r.o.
I got much higher times on 560TI 384 cores then written down here. Does it need a free CPU Core? It ran at 99% Load, but i know this doesnt mean much ;)

It depends on wu and some users have overclocked cards.

Could be the version of driver. Newer Nvidia drivers are optimized for Kepler and perform badly on pre-Kepler.

This is true. Right driver is a little magic.

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