Posts by boroda3

1) (Message 3453)
Posted 31 Jul 2014 by boroda3
All downloads from Asteroids@Home failed. All other are OK.

126 Asteroids@home 31-07-2014 10:17 Scheduler request completed: got 5 new tasks
127 Asteroids@home 31-07-2014 10:17 Started download of input_123784_3
128 Asteroids@home 31-07-2014 10:17 Started download of input_123695_20
129 Asteroids@home 31-07-2014 10:17 Finished download of input_123784_3
130 Asteroids@home 31-07-2014 10:17 Finished download of input_123695_20
131 Asteroids@home 31-07-2014 10:17 Started download of input_123693_2
132 Asteroids@home 31-07-2014 10:17 Started download of input_123687_8
133 Asteroids@home 31-07-2014 10:17 [error] File input_123784_3 has wrong size: expected 4096, got 15457
134 Asteroids@home 31-07-2014 10:17 [error] Checksum or signature error for input_123784_3
135 Asteroids@home 31-07-2014 10:17 [error] MD5 check failed for input_123695_20
136 Asteroids@home 31-07-2014 10:17 [error] expected d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e, got cc2b0d418b6b12b1215bd679e95a8750
137 Asteroids@home 31-07-2014 10:17 [error] Checksum or signature error for input_123695_20
138 Asteroids@home 31-07-2014 10:17 Finished download of input_123693_2
139 Asteroids@home 31-07-2014 10:17 Finished download of input_123687_8
140 Asteroids@home 31-07-2014 10:17 Started download of input_123686_5
141 Asteroids@home 31-07-2014 10:17 [error] MD5 check failed for input_123693_2
142 Asteroids@home 31-07-2014 10:17 [error] expected d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e, got 05cd377b43861d8b9a590b2f18aec791
143 Asteroids@home 31-07-2014 10:17 [error] Checksum or signature error for input_123693_2
144 Asteroids@home 31-07-2014 10:17 [error] MD5 check failed for input_123687_8
145 Asteroids@home 31-07-2014 10:17 [error] expected d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e, got 2eff513de5e1a8036d5b0262714696fa
146 Asteroids@home 31-07-2014 10:17 [error] Checksum or signature error for input_123687_8
147 Asteroids@home 31-07-2014 10:17 Finished download of input_123686_5
148 Asteroids@home 31-07-2014 10:17 [error] MD5 check failed for input_123686_5
149 Asteroids@home 31-07-2014 10:17 [error] expected d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e, got 1ab8f448f04099fdaef4cdd93b408dd5
150 Asteroids@home 31-07-2014 10:17 [error] Checksum or signature error for input_123686_5
2) (Message 1928)
Posted 13 Oct 2013 by boroda3
I have the same problem: BOINC cashe is set to 0.8 day, but server sends to me too much WUs (I have got more than 180 WU - ~5 days, and the transfer was condinued, until I have just disable new tasks manually).
But A@H isn't my main project, BOINC periodically is switched to other projects, which takes 100% CPU, and run them several days. Therefore I am forced to manually adjust the number of jobs to exclude deadline.

Now I use BoincTasks, it can disable/enable new tasks by the script (not good, about in the limits of 100 WUs), but I think it isn't right way - the project must regulate max task number in the client cashe.
3) (Message 1711)
Posted 8 Sep 2013 by boroda3
The same HTTP permanent error.
No WU for application v.101.00 was downloaded - all generate errors.
But the application itself was downloaded ok.

Asteroids@home 08-09-2013 06:57 Started download of period_search_10100_windows_intelx86__sse3.exe
Asteroids@home 08-09-2013 06:57 Finished download of period_search_10100_windows_intelx86__sse3.exe
Asteroids@home 08-09-2013 07:02 Started download of period_search_10100_windows_intelx86__sse2.exe
Asteroids@home 08-09-2013 07:03 Finished download of period_search_10100_windows_intelx86__sse2.exe
Asteroids@home 08-09-2013 07:02 Giving up on download of input_18180_68: permanent HTTP error
Asteroids@home 08-09-2013 07:03 Giving up on download of input_18113_54: permanent HTTP error
Asteroids@home 08-09-2013 07:04 Giving up on download of input_18123_64: permanent HTTP error
Asteroids@home 08-09-2013 07:05 Giving up on download of input_18182_125: permanent HTTP error
Asteroids@home 08-09-2013 08:46 Giving up on download of input_18191_184: permanent HTTP error
Asteroids@home 08-09-2013 08:47 Giving up on download of input_18190_27: permanent HTTP error
Asteroids@home 08-09-2013 08:48 Giving up on download of input_18156_193: permanent HTTP error
4) (Message 1340)
Posted 9 Jun 2013 by boroda3
Will be released a version for OpenCL?
5) (Message 1107)
Posted 15 Apr 2013 by boroda3
Asteroids@home 15-04-2013 13:50 Scheduler request completed: got 0 new tasks
Asteroids@home 15-04-2013 13:50 Project has no tasks available

Asteroids did end?
6) (Message 823)
Posted 9 Feb 2013 by boroda3
Initial Quota is 500 (maybe is too high, on SETI is 100)

Milkyway@Home have quota 10001, but at the same time on one host does not happen more than 8 WUs.
Just the Scheduler should check how many WUs already have on this host, and do not send unnecessary.