Profile: FDB ITALIA S.r.l.

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FDB S.r.l. - Plants and equipments for food industry.
The company FDB S.r.l. has been working for over twenty years in the field of food industry plants, availing of a higly qualified personnel having many year experience and preparation in the milk and cheese sector. Such experience and preparation allowed to work with absolute guarantee in the construction of machines and complete plants for the treatment and the working of milk, cream, butter, yoghurt, kefir, tomato, wine, fuit juices, beverages in general, as well as plants for the production of cheeses and ice cream.
In its plants in Malo the Company FDB ITALIA S.r.l. constructs: tanks, seasoners, plate and multipipe heat exchangers, centrifugal and selfpriming sanitary electropumps , semiautomatic and automatic plants for chemical cleaning of plants and circuits, UHT treatment plants for long conservation products made out from milk and fruit.
The company FDB S.r.l can care the realization of plants since the project phase, to the construction and to the assembling and the final testing, respecting of course customer's specifications.


Via Della Tecnica, 9 36034 Malo (VI) Italy -
Tel 39 0445 637525
Fax 39 0445 637560
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