Server status update

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Profile Kyong
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Message 7170 - Posted: 16 Mar 2021, 18:09:57 UTC
Server is now ready to continue operating and there will be more workunits to send. But please be aware that it is still a temporary solution because new server won't by any sooner then on May or June and there still might happen some problems.

Radim Vančo (FoxKyong)
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Message 7171 - Posted: 16 Mar 2021, 21:12:18 UTC
You are doing your best and it's all that matter
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Message 7172 - Posted: 17 Mar 2021, 1:18:16 UTC
What do you need for a permanent solution? Specs?
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Steve Gaber

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Message 7173 - Posted: 17 Mar 2021, 4:13:11 UTC - in response to Message 7170.  
Thank you for that explanation and cautionary note.

We now know not to expect smooth operation for a while.

But I have to say that people involved in crunching on this project are willing to help.

We have asked numerous times, how can we contribute to finally solving the ongoing problems? Support is available. All you have to do is tell us how.

Oldsmar, FL, USA
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Message 7175 - Posted: 23 Mar 2021, 20:47:12 UTC
Universities are strange and byzantine places. If it's anything like mine, getting equipment and/or financial help from random outside agencies, especially individuals, would blow the administrators' minds. Sorting out all the logistics of that would probably take longer than the path that the project is already on. It would certainly cost more in terms of person-hours.

I'm sure the offers are much appreciated, but sometimes things are just more complicated than we'd like them to be.
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Larry Thomas Priest

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Message 7183 - Posted: 8 Apr 2021, 6:21:12 UTC
Great job folks! Keep up the great work!
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Message 7194 - Posted: 25 Apr 2021, 14:59:00 UTC - in response to Message 7170.  
Radime, nestyď se komunikovat. Když vypneš server, dej vědět proč a kdy to zase pustíš.
Radim, don't hesitate to communicate. When you switch your server off, let us know why and how long it will last.:-)
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Message 7195 - Posted: 26 Apr 2021, 0:55:03 UTC - in response to Message 7170.  
My status is still suspended. How do I change to active?
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Steve Gaber

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Message 7197 - Posted: 30 Apr 2021, 6:32:53 UTC - in response to Message 7175.  
Universities ask for contributions all the time. That's how they build their endowments, physical plants and faculty chairs. They solicit funds from large donors and especially alumni. Mine do and sometimes I help them a little.

Does Charles University have an alumni fund? Do any of their faculty, alumni and students participate in Asteroids@Home? Do they know about the project? If not, why not? Why are they not helping their university with this important effort?

Like most A@H participants, I am not an alumnus of Charles University. But I'd be willing to send a monetary contribution to help make the project more robust and sustainable.

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Steve Gaber

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Message 7198 - Posted: 30 Apr 2021, 6:33:58 UTC - in response to Message 7175.  

Last modified: 30 Apr 2021, 6:34:50 UTC
Double post.
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Francisco J. Jimenez Valencia

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Message 7219 - Posted: 4 Jun 2021, 20:57:48 UTC
Buenas a todos.

No soy un experto y tampoco soy rico, pero mi computadora esta a tu servicio, puedes usarla en exclusiva a distancia si quieres como servidor temporal, tengo una buena conexion de fibra optica, el equipo es un i7 y tiene 2 HDD, 1 de 1TB y el otro de 2 TB son Seagate Barracuda de 7200rpm.

No soy cientifico y estoy en paro desde hace 5 años, con lo que no te puedo ayudar con dinero, pero si con mi PC el cual esta montado con retales, jejeje, poco a poco lo mejoro.

Tambien me vendria bien un cursillo de como usar mejor BOINC Manager, a ser posible un manual para inutiles jejejeje, de esta forma podria ayudarte con mi tiempo de forma no lucrativa por supuesto.

Felicidades a todos, sois INCREIBLES....

P.D. Para cualquier persona que me pueda enseñar a poner mi granito de arena.
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Profile darkstarz1

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Message 7220 - Posted: 6 Jun 2021, 16:05:39 UTC - in response to Message 7219.  

Last modified: 6 Jun 2021, 16:07:08 UTC
As above, Translated into English, hope no one minds;

Francisco J. Jimenez Valencia

Good morning everyone.

I am not an expert and I am not rich either, but my computer is at your service, you can use it exclusively remotely if you want as a temporary server, I have a good fiber optic connection, the equipment is an i7 and it has 2 HDD, 1 of 1TB and the other 2 TB are Seagate Barracuda 7200rpm.

I am not a scientist and I have been unemployed for 5 years, so I cannot help you with money, but with my PC which is mounted with scraps, lol, little by little I improve it.

I could also use a course on how to better use BOINC Manager, if possible a manual for useless lol, in this way I could help you with my time in a non-profit way of course.

Congratulations to all, you are INCREDIBLE ....

P.S. For anyone who can teach me to do my bit.
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Profile Bill F

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Message 7224 - Posted: 9 Jun 2021, 2:38:10 UTC - in response to Message 7195.  

Last modified: 9 Jun 2021, 2:38:51 UTC
Jazzy Gold,

Are you referring to "Suspended by user" on your Projects tab on the right side ?

Or are you looking at your Tasks tab and seeing "Suspended - computer in use" in the third column ?

Bill F
Dallas TX
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There was no expiration date.

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Peter Lutz

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Message 7226 - Posted: 10 Jun 2021, 4:04:42 UTC
I assume the servers have been down for over a week now? I've not received any new work units.
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Message 7227 - Posted: 10 Jun 2021, 7:57:54 UTC - in response to Message 7226.  
I assume the servers have been down for over a week now? I've not received any new work units.

The answer to your query is likely to be on the Main Page (16th March 2021):

"Server status update: Server is now ready to continue operating and there will be more workunits to send. But please be aware that it is still a temporary solution because new server won't by any sooner then on May or June and there still might happen some problems.
Radim Vančo (FoxKyong)"
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Message 7228 - Posted: 12 Jun 2021, 19:31:03 UTC - in response to Message 7227.  
An outdated quote from 16th March 2021 is NOT worth much! If the Admins have any respect for the users time, Electricity, and effort, they would provide additional support to the users!

The answer to your query is likely to be on the Main Page (16th March 2021):

"Server status update: Server is now ready to continue operating and there will be more workunits to send. But please be aware that it is still a temporary solution because new server won't by any sooner then on May or June and there still might happen some problems.
Radim Vančo (FoxKyong)"

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Laird o' th' wee White Hoose

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Message 7229 - Posted: 13 Jun 2021, 16:58:39 UTC - in response to Message 7228.  
I agree Brent. I Dinnae ask for a complete Ph.D, just a few words, so we have some idea; when, what, where.

I wish all, who're working at the project, all the best and haist back online.
Lang may yer lum reek, Sirs.
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Steve Gaber

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Message 7230 - Posted: 17 Jun 2021, 18:12:52 UTC - in response to Message 7229.  
I was overjoyed to see that today Asteroids sent me 19 WUs.

After -- what?-- two months- it's finally good to get back to work on this project.

Hope now that the server has been upgraded, it won't gang agley nae maire.


S. Gaber
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Message 7232 - Posted: 18 Jun 2021, 17:27:29 UTC - in response to Message 7230.  
"gang agley nae maire"? What language is that? Seems Gaelic, but not any dialect that I know.
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Steve Gaber

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Message 7234 - Posted: 19 Jun 2021, 4:57:58 UTC - in response to Message 7232.  

Last modified: 19 Jun 2021, 5:04:15 UTC
"gang agley nae maire"? What language is that? Seems Gaelic, but not any dialect that I know.

It's my attempt at Scottish dialect, in response to The Laird of The Little White House, who expressed his complaint in that vernacular. He said,

"I Dinnae ask for a complete Ph.D, just a few words, so we have some idea; when, what, where. I wish all, who're working at the project, all the best and haist back online. Lang may yer lum reek, Sirs." (Which apparently means may your chimney long continue to smoke, a Scottish way of wishing somebody a long life.)

I attempted to phrase my response using 50-year-old recollections of reading Robert Burns during my undergraduate years.

Do you remember, from Burns' Ode to a Mousie?
"The best-laid plans of Mice and men gang oft agley"

I'm amazed that I remember it after 50 years lang syne. But Burns wrote such powerful and affecting stuff that it is memorable.
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