Posts by Ananas

21) (Message 2413)
Posted 13 Jan 2014 by Ananas
I'm not sure wether the problem lays here or on the BOINCstats site ...

shows the two top hosts in this project both with 86400 daily credits for yesterday.

86400 is 60*60*24, a value defined in the core client as the limit for short time debits - it would really be a strange coincidence, if both top hosts had exactly this value as their daily output.

I currently don't have an idea, what might cause this, the host detail pages on BOINCstats (best 10 days and graphs) show some higher values - but it might somehow be related to the server side BOINC upgrade.
22) (Message 2148)
Posted 30 Nov 2013 by Ananas
Some (a few) projects experiment with multithreaded applications but the majority of BOINC projects works single threaded. Many BOINC users run a project mix on their computers, running multiple BOINC tasks at the same time is just normal.

p.s.: you can limit the number of threads in the Computing preferences, the value to modify would be On multiprocessors, use at most xx processors
23) (Message 1851)
Posted 30 Sep 2013 by Ananas
... I guess my use of a phrase from a 1970's era commercial for a national hamburger chain ...

It even made it to Wikipedia :
24) (Message 1809)
Posted 27 Sep 2013 by Ananas
Bin leider dem englischen sprachgebrauch nicht fähig,habe schon versucht ein übersetzungspogramm auf meinem rechner zu instalieren,hab bis jetzt noch nicht das richtige gefunden,würde mich freuen über eure hilfe.

en : Unfortunately I don't speak English, have already tried to install a translation program on my PC but is hasn't been the right one yet - would be happy to get some help here.

de : Hilfe gibt's aber nur, wenn wir Dein Problem kennen - Probleme mit Download, Validierung oder wo hakt's ?
(en : There can only be help when we know about your problem - download trouble, validator problems or what's the problem?)
25) (Message 1787)
Posted 25 Sep 2013 by Ananas
On scheduler contact :

Message from server : Server can't open database

and it took forever to open this forum page to post a new message.

p.s.: I guess the message is caused by a timeout, not total malfunction.
26) (Message 1776)
Posted 19 Sep 2013 by Ananas
The latest ones I had where created Aug 27
27) (Message 1717)
Posted 8 Sep 2013 by Ananas

Of the few work units that I have managed to download the 101 app is about one third faster than the 100 app (both sse3 versions).

Less (if any) for the Windows x86 version on C2Q, my Xeon (i7 generation, Windows x64) seems to have gained ~1/4 speed
28) (Message 1701)
Posted 7 Sep 2013 by Ananas
Boinc does not allow you to release an application which would be only available to specific Windows versions?

I'm not sure it's Kyongs magic on server side. But boinc scheduler is not easy thing to work with.

If you want to support a specific CPU feature, that BOINC doesn't report, you could use a method similar to the RNA-World one :

They deliver only one ZIP (for each OS basic type) that has everything : common files, SSE4 version, SSE3 version ... basic version.

Plus they use an unzip "wrapper", that checks the CPU features, unzips the common files, then checks the ZIP file for the best version that fits the CPU. If unavailable, it checks the next one and so on.

Advantage : It will work even with ancient BOINC versions, that are much older than the date the CPU feature has been introduced - without the need for am optimized app_info.xml.
29) (Message 1516)
Posted 18 Aug 2013 by Ananas
Credits are a fun thing, used for competitions (teams or persons), success control for the efficiency of your host and stuff like that.

There has been a university that payed BOINC credits with ice cream but I guess that has been an offer for their own students - I like the idea though (as much as I like ice cream).

There is a Bitcoin BOINC project but I haven't checked what they exactly do.

p.s.: depending on your location, on the tax office and on the project it _might_ be possible to make the electricity you invested for crunching into a tax deductable donation (sorry, I'm not so sure how to word it, I hope it is understandable) - but I guess that's quite a hassle in most cases, especially as too many factors influence the ratio between the watts used and the credits earned.
30) (Message 1514)
Posted 18 Aug 2013 by Ananas
Sounds very much like a missing DLL. VC++ runtime not static maybe? Especially as the optimized version should rather be larger (loop unrolling) than smaller than the regular version. In fact it is about half the size.
31) (Message 1505)
Posted 18 Aug 2013 by Ananas
Slightliy OT :

I'm using an outdated core client, it doesn't report the CPU capabilities properly.

So I downloaded the 32bit SSE3 version and now I'm trying with this app_info.xml :



(Win x86 sse3 - Intel C2Q CPU)

No result finished yet but I can already tell that the speed went up tremendously (estimated by factor 5).

p.s.: I forgot that BOINC removes all results when you switch between BOINC downloaded application and anonymous platform (it does a complete project reset) so I lost two already started results. So before you try this yourself, crunch down your cache and report everything before switching.
32) (Message 1504)
Posted 18 Aug 2013 by Ananas
I wonder if the x64 version without SSE support is even required.

For RNA we made an SSE2 version for x64 "just in case" but is there even any x64 CPU without SSE3 (only talking about 8086 based architecture of course) ?

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