Posts by Highlander_6596

1) (Message 1151)
Posted 23 Apr 2013 by Profile Highlander_6596
I've been in communications with an Administrator at Free-DC. I ask if it would be possible to include the Total Results like they do the Total Credit in there webpages,

I was informed that that information was not included in the Projects exported files. He also agreed that such a modification to the exported files would be the authority of BOINC.

When I told him that data such as Total Results would be a useful tool in encouraging new members to join a crunching recruitment effort. That while there are many who are encouraged by credits/points, there are some who value results as a more encouraging indicator of work accomplished. His opinion was that such an inclusion of data should not be that difficult to implement.

Since WCG provides that info for its team members, why not include it for other Project's data.

I am posting this thread to recruit support for this concept. If enough Projects and project teams support this initiative, perhaps BOINC can be persuaded to implement this modification.

2) (Message 1138)
Posted 20 Apr 2013 by Profile Highlander_6596
Thread resolved.
3) (Message 1137)
Posted 20 Apr 2013 by Profile Highlander_6596
Thread resolved.
4) (Message 1120)
Posted 15 Apr 2013 by Profile Highlander_6596
It's shown up. I'm officially seen as contributing to Asteroids@Home.
5) (Message 1118)
Posted 15 Apr 2013 by Profile Highlander_6596
My reboot issue seem to be resolved. Perhaps it did just require more time than I was giving it. Working with i7's, I tend to forget that the Internet can be a little slow. (what does he mean by LITTLE?)

All seems to be functioning well. Knock on wood.

P.S. Asteroids is still not appearing on my Signature image.
6) (Message 1110)
Posted 15 Apr 2013 by Profile Highlander_6596
There is nothing else but to wait.

I am listed here as crunching for Asteroids...

but Asteroids is not listed here...

More waiting is needed I guess?
7) (Message 1105)
Posted 14 Apr 2013 by Profile Highlander_6596

This may be BOINC (and not project app) fault/bug as something similar happens also to some people on other projects:

Abandoned tasks - Ongoing issue:

I added A@H to one of my i7 computers. When I rebooted, I'm not sure if the Task was abandoned. That might take more time to register, but I do now that the task, if the same, was started over from scratch. I've never noticed that happening before.

I suspect it was abandoned and it will just take a little time to register in my Account
8) (Message 1104)
Posted 14 Apr 2013 by Profile Highlander_6596

This may be BOINC (and not project app) fault/bug as something similar happens also to some people on other projects:

Abandoned tasks - Ongoing issue:

I guess this is a waiting game and hope we don't loose to much crunching time. Thanks for the link. It helps me to understand why things don't work like they should. I'm going to assign A@H for another of my i7 computers. I'll watch to see if the Tasks get abandoned there as well.

It may also fix my credit reporting issue with BOINCstats as well.
9) (Message 1101)
Posted 13 Apr 2013 by Profile Highlander_6596
10) (Message 1100)
Posted 13 Apr 2013 by Profile Highlander_6596
There is nothing else but to wait.

Excerpt from BOINC STATS

I got credits, but BOINCstats doesn't show them.

BOINCstats depends on the XML output of the projects.

BOINCstats checks for XML updates every half hour, and, when available, downloads them, and reads the content to update the current-credit.

Once a day all stats are updated, and all info from the XML files is pumped into the BOINCstats database.

Sometimes the XML output is delayed, or there isn't any XML output for an extended period due to (server)problems at the project. When this happens, it's impossible for BOINCstats to update, and your new credits won't show on BOINCstats, until XML output is resumed.
11) (Message 1099)
Posted 13 Apr 2013 by Profile Highlander_6596
The message you quoted is to do with non-BOINC CPU usage. Check you local client prefs. It's probably set to something like 50%. To turn it off set it to zero, then BOINC won't care what else is using the CPU.

Where do I find this local client prefs?

I found ...
Suspend work when non-BOINC CPU usage is above
0 means no restriction
Enforced by version 6.10.30+

Is that what you mean?

That's the one. Is it set to zero?

12) (Message 1097)
Posted 13 Apr 2013 by Profile Highlander_6596
13) (Message 1095)
Posted 13 Apr 2013 by Profile Highlander_6596
My Account shows I have been awarded my first 120 credits from A@H.
However, I do not see your Project appearing in my BOINC STATS Signature image.
What do I need to do, other than just wait, to get the image updated with your Project/credits?

14) (Message 1094)
Posted 12 Apr 2013 by Profile Highlander_6596
I am afraid not, it is strange you don't have it there but I can see that you use BOINC 7.0.62 which is not official version to use. Maybe there is the problem. I can also check it but tomorrow, I don't have installed this version anywhere.

I have it installed on five computers with three Projects. WCG, Einstein, and A@H. Yours is the only one I am having problems with. I had the same laptop running LinuxMint for WCG and had no problems.

Airgo, it must be YOU! {:~)

P.S. - I am looking forward to getting some Validations completed so your Project will show up on my Signature's BOINC STATS image
15) (Message 1092)
Posted 12 Apr 2013 by Profile Highlander_6596
I hope I will check it tommorow. Checkpoints shoud work everywhere so I will install Linux Mint on Virtual Machine and try the checkpointing there.

Sounds like a plan. Forgive me for wishing you success in failure.
I hate looking like a fool for some simple option that I failed to set.
16) (Message 1090)
Posted 12 Apr 2013 by Profile Highlander_6596
I checked it why you don't have it there, you have simplified view of BOINC manager and there are ligh preferences. Choose advanced view and then in preferences there will be the option about usage of processor and more settings.

I always use the Advanced View. Next suggestion?
17) (Message 1088)
Posted 12 Apr 2013 by Profile Highlander_6596
18) (Message 1087)
Posted 12 Apr 2013 by Profile Highlander_6596
BOINC is written to only allow editing for I believe 1 hour after posted. It's a "feature" supposedly.

I believe sites can change this in the config, but I am not positive.

I found the answer...

You need to make a new post in the thread using the Post to thread button (don't use the reply or the quote buttons).

Once the new message is posted, use the edit button of that post and it will offer you the option to edit the thread title along with the content of that post.

Of course this only work on your own threads.
19) (Message 1085)
Posted 12 Apr 2013 by Profile Highlander_6596
It shouldn't do it. There are regularly checkpoints like other projects have. Which computer has the problem?

My account - View shows tasks as Abandoned. I didn't abandon them, the reboot caused them to be abandoned.
20) (Message 1084)
Posted 12 Apr 2013 by Profile Highlander_6596

Next 20