Posts by Senilix
(Message 2844)
Posted 20 Mar 2014 by Senilix Post: i want to see if my 'puter and boinc will run more efficiently if i set it to 4 with "on multiprocessor systems use at most 100% of the processors" setting I see you're using an 8 core machine. If you want ro run only 4 WUs simultanously on it then use "on multiprocessor systems use at most 50% of the processors". |
(Message 1824)
Posted 28 Sep 2013 by Senilix Post: I too noticed a big increase in estimated completion times shown by BOINC. It seems that the reason is an increased <rsc_fpops_est> value in the init_data.xml file for the new WUs. <rsc_fpops_est>315010000000000.000000</rsc_fpops_est> That results in 315010 GFLOPS. AFAIK the old value was something like 10000(?) GFLOPS. |
(Message 1048)
Posted 9 Apr 2013 by Senilix Post: Yes, it would be nice to have a GPU application but now it's on the bottom of the to-do list. Are there any progresses re a GPU application? |
(Message 29)
Posted 21 Jun 2012 by Senilix Post: According to an article i've found here the lightcurve inversion method you are using is highly parallelizable and therefore perfectly suited for processing on a GPU. Are there any plans on developing a GPU application for this project? |