Posts by ebahapo
(Message 2041)
Posted 10 Nov 2013 by ebahapo Post: In spite of the ARMv5 lacking HW FP, it's clocked higher than the ARMv6 on the RaspberryPi. Again, I reiterate my willingness to help out creating the app for this platform, arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi. TIA |
(Message 994)
Posted 17 Mar 2013 by ebahapo Post: Again, I'd be glad to help you out. I could compile to application on my ARM NAS if you'd like it. |
(Message 954)
Posted 10 Mar 2013 by ebahapo Post: I'd be glad to be of some help. I've been helping out at Yoyo@home to get a couple of applications running on ARMv5 too, as you can see starting here. TIA |
(Message 951)
Posted 8 Mar 2013 by ebahapo Post: What devices are ARM v5? There are currently arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf and armv6l-unknown-linux-gnueabihf applications. But I don't know which other devices have armv5. I have a NAS that uses an ARMv5. Since it's a NAS, it has no need of hardware FP, so its triple is similar to these, arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi, and requires applications to be built without hardware FP, but with software FP. Surely, there is a performance hit (1/3 of the performance), but such devices tend to have higher clocks and to not bother so much about power management (e.g., ARMv5 arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi vs. ARMv6 arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf). Yet, it's still capable of crunching numbers at the same speed as the typical PC when BOINC started and is comparable to a lowly Intel Atom. Thanks. |
(Message 946)
Posted 7 Mar 2013 by ebahapo Post: There are several ARM ABIs out there. Would it be possible to build the application for arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi as well, perhaps targeting a common denominator like the ARM V5 (I guess that it doesn't support hardware FP though? Hello? |
(Message 936)
Posted 28 Feb 2013 by ebahapo Post: There are several ARM ABIs out there. Would it be possible to build the application for arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi as well, perhaps targeting a common denominator like the ARM V5 (I guess that it doesn't support hardware FP though? TIA |