Posts by rcthardcore
(Message 6594)
Posted 24 Apr 2020 by rcthardcore Post: Asteroids@home: Notice from BOINC Your settings do not allow fetching tasks for CPU. To fix this, you can change Project Preferences on the project's web site. 4/24/2020 12:19:01 PM This very annoying BOINC message keeps popping up in my notices section on my BOINC client. Since I DO NOT crunch CPU workunits, is there a way to keep the project from sending me this notice every day? |
(Message 6592)
Posted 23 Apr 2020 by rcthardcore Post: Wish this project would STOP sending me notices to accept CPU workunits. I only do GPU workunits ONLY!!!! STOP IT!!!!!!! |
Posted 15 Oct 2016 by rcthardcore Post: I get the same thing, GTX 980ti here. Total UI slowdown. Mouse moves in slow motion, jerky. |