Posts by Thyme Lawn

1) (Message 7319)
Posted 16 Nov 2022 by Thyme Lawn

Why disregard? I have an Odroid-N2+, four Raspberry Pi 4's, A Rock Pi 4B+, two Nvidia Jetson Nano's, an Odroid-M1 and two Raspberry Pi 3's running a 64-bit Linux/Arm OS.

BOINC forums don't allow posts to be deleted. Dingo obviously decided their reply was not relevant half an hour after it was made and replaced what they'd written. The "disregard" is for the benefit of anyone who saw the original message, not a comment about your request.
2) (Message 7131)
Posted 16 Feb 2021 by Thyme Lawn
It looks like the project is back up. My 12 completed tasks have been reported (not yet validated) and 2 repair tasks have been downloaded:

16/02/2021 13:57:35 | Asteroids@home | Sending scheduler request: To report completed tasks.
16/02/2021 13:57:35 | Asteroids@home | Reporting 12 completed tasks
16/02/2021 13:57:35 | Asteroids@home | Requesting new tasks for CPU
16/02/2021 13:57:38 | Asteroids@home | Scheduler request completed: got 2 new tasks
16/02/2021 13:57:38 | Asteroids@home | [task] result state=NEW for ps_201110_input_24367_84_2 from handle_scheduler_reply
16/02/2021 13:57:38 | Asteroids@home | [task] result state=NEW for ps_201110_input_24367_99_2 from handle_scheduler_reply
3) (Message 7123)
Posted 2 Feb 2021 by Thyme Lawn
It depends.

I have 12 tasks ready to report, all with a deadline of 2nd December. My task list shows them all as still being in progress, and all of the workunits show that the wingman task is waiting to be validated.

Getting credit for over deadline tasks depends on how quickly they are reported after the server programs are restarted. That will cause repair tasks to be generated for all of the over deadline tasks (according to the Server status page there are 514358 of them).

Over deadline tasks will only be ignored if they are returned after their repair task has been issued, returned and validated. Over deadline tasks reported before their workunit has been validated will be credited (as will any repair tasks which are returned before their deadline).
4) (Message 6879)
Posted 9 Jul 2020 by Thyme Lawn
Will work-units completed within the deadline but which failed to upload and which have now timed out due to the server outages eventually be uploaded and attract credit?

For example
Name ps_200624_input_82381_5_0
Workunit 130936318
Created 24 Jun 2020, 19:35:26 UTC
Sent 25 Jun 2020, 13:05:54 UTC

Alan Barnes

Possibly. That WU has issued a new task to replace your timed out one. If that task is uploaded, reported and validated first the status for your one will change to "Too late" and you won't get any credit. If your task is validated first both will be credited if the replacement starts running before that computer makes its next scheduler request (if it hasn't the server will abort it).
5) (Message 6861)
Posted 8 Jul 2020 by Thyme Lawn
Scheduler requests are now working but uploads are still failing with the log file error.

3 of the 22 reported tasks were 3 days past their deadline and successfully validated, the others are pending validation.
6) (Message 6467)
Posted 14 Mar 2020 by Thyme Lawn
A lot of tasks have started failing immediately with this error. For example, WU ps_200312_input_1772_33 currently has 4 failures (one each of avx, cuda55, sse2 and sse3).
7) (Message 5978)
Posted 4 Oct 2018 by Thyme Lawn
My pending uploads have just been completed.
8) (Message 5977)
Posted 4 Oct 2018 by Thyme Lawn
My pending uploads have just been completed.
9) (Message 5654)
Posted 18 Jan 2018 by Thyme Lawn
Post: shows that the export files were last generated at 08:36 on 2018-01-10.