Posts by Geronimo

1) (Message 7904)
Posted 9 Sep 2023 by Geronimo
We'll do our best to fix that ASAP (in relative terms).

May I contact you later for this matter, if it is OK with you of course?


Sure, I set the forum to send me a mail once you PM me, or you respond here, either works.
2) (Message 7894)
Posted 9 Sep 2023 by Geronimo
I appear to labour under a similar suite of constrictions.

I only recently started Asteroids@Home, so the sample size is small, but of the 148 total WUs, ignoring the 19 still being processed and such, 84 were valid and 45 returned computation errors.

Asteroids@home is running on an up to date Mac mini M2, with BOINC calculation set at 100% for 75% of the time.
Possibly relevant: I set up A@H because with World Community Grid the Mapping Cancer Markers project WUs tend to get stuck in a loop, most often early in the processing, but not other projects (if they have WUs available). So A@H also getting the short end of the computational stick is... frustrating.

Just now I had set A@H to not get new tasks, and planned to check semi-periodically, but given that this problem seems to persist for months now, I was reluctant to get my hopes up. One last try, and: All new WUs, all eight, had computation errors within seconds. So back to "no new tasks" A@H goes...