Posts by stfn

1) (Message 8338)
Posted 1 Apr 2024 by stfn
Oh come on people. We are here to do science. To propel knowledge and help scientists understand our Universe better. Points are valueless internet magic. And admins driving BOINC projects are often overburdened and understaffed and may not have the time to work on third grade issues. So you all should just chill and continue crunching.
2) (Message 8138)
Posted 16 Nov 2023 by stfn
Hello :)

I did a test to see how much faster the new Pi 5 is in comparison to the 4b model and I thought it would be interesting for you. In short, the new Pi 5 is three times faster in crunching Asteroids@Home than the previous model.

Things to mention:
- In Einstein@Home the gains in speed were only ~30%, a significant difference in comparison to A@H
- Asteroids have been pushing the CPU thermally much more than E@H
- When crunching, for the Pi4, the task name was "Period Search Application v102.14aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu", while for the 5 it was "Period Search Application v102.14aarch64". Would that make a difference? And what is even weirder, I just checked, when I open the computer list and browse the tasks per computer, both Pis are now showing the task name to be "Period Search Application v102.14aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu". Is it possible that it changed recently?

Here is the link to the blog post, inside you can find the detailed benchmark results, and you can also download the raw test data if you want to do your own analysis.
3) (Message 7739)
Posted 11 Feb 2023 by stfn
If you look at the BOINC dashboards, you'll see that the number of crunchers is pretty much stable forAsteroids, if not rising, so I think it's more data.
4) (Message 7736)
Posted 11 Feb 2023 by stfn
And we're back, that was a very short pause. To the crunch machine!
5) (Message 7726)
Posted 30 Jan 2023 by stfn
Any updates? no rush, just wondering. I apparently messed up on many levels by purchasing a 7900xtx lol.

I made the same mistake few years ago, bought a 5500XT, it did work with BOINC for some time, but then I don't know what happened, something got updated, and I could not make it work with any BOINC project no matter what I did with the drivers. Eventually i Just gave up, sold it and moved to a 2060.
6) (Message 7630)
Posted 28 Dec 2022 by stfn
Haha, thanks, guess I'm just lucky :)
7) (Message 7623)
Posted 28 Dec 2022 by stfn
This is exactly what I meant, I remember you saying that the task time varies, and I saw it on the x86 desktop, what surprised me was that on the RPi the task time did not vary :)
8) (Message 7620)
Posted 27 Dec 2022 by stfn
One thing that I find interesting:

The tasks that I run on my desktop differ a lot in computation time, from 1.5h to more than 3 hours. The tasks on my Rpi have been very stable in runtime for the last few days, each one was around 10 hours.
9) (Message 7605)
Posted 23 Dec 2022 by stfn
Thank you Georgi for you explanation. I wish other projects, like for example my beloved Gaia@Home had this level of communication with the volunteers.

It is now. You've been selected for the next Formula-BOINC Sprint.

Oh man, I hate those. I've seen what happened to Universe@Home when it was selected for a race. First people hoarding tasks and later, when the race started, overloading the servers to the point no real work could be done. I think in the long run those races do more harm than good, but that's just my opinion.
10) (Message 7598)
Posted 22 Dec 2022 by stfn
I downloaded a Asteroids WU on my Rock Pi 4B+ as it has the most elaborate cooling (80mm + 40mm fan plus very big heatsink combo) and it has announced a zeven-day computation period with ten-day deadline.

When I started a task on my RPi 4b the estimated time was 14 days, but the task finished in 12 hours :)
11) (Message 7592)
Posted 22 Dec 2022 by stfn
I'm also curious about the choosing of the instruction set, because I have a Ryzen 3700X, and the only app version I am getting is sse2. Shouldn't I be getting sse3 or fma?
12) (Message 7586)
Posted 21 Dec 2022 by stfn
Another great news from this project, thanks you!

I just started two tasks on my RPi 4B with active cooling. BOINC Manager reports around 7.5% per hour, and temps seem to hover around 49C.
13) (Message 7538)
Posted 4 Dec 2022 by stfn
I would like to bump this topic, because the thing that I miss the most when crunching any BOINC project are regular updates about what we are actually helping with. It would be awesome if we could get at least a very general information what is the current set of work units about and, you know, where are we going with it. Thanks!
14) (Message 7491)
Posted 27 Nov 2022 by stfn
Let's all be patient. And just wanted to add taht I am very, very happy that there's another Eastern European project active and I wanted to say thank you to everyone involved.
15) (Message 7489)
Posted 27 Nov 2022 by stfn
It's still Sunday, and Monday is not yet here. And someday it will be Friday, Friday.