Posts by Steve Gaber

1) (Message 8711)
Posted 28 Dec 2024 by Steve Gaber
There are more than 2.35 million tasks Asteroids tasks ready to send. But I haven't received any for days.

My event log says "Not requesting tasks don't need (CPU; AMD/API;)"

Why is that?

S. Gaber
2) (Message 8643)
Posted 3 Dec 2024 by Steve Gaber
Server down 2 days... please fix as I cannot upload
1st Dec 2024

Yes. me too. I have a bunch of finished tasks trying to upload fortwo days.

3) (Message 8588)
Posted 1 Oct 2024 by Steve Gaber
Within seconds of starting, eight of nine Asteroids tasks on my computer were marked computer errors.

One is currently running normally.

S. Gaber
Oldsmar, FL
4) (Message 8459)
Posted 2 Jul 2024 by Steve Gaber
I have an AMD 12 core CPU that usually runs 24 tasks at a time. I can do this on DENIS, Einstein, Rosetta and Universe Projects. But Asteroids' tasks really lite my CPU up. Meaning it overheats and shuts down, I share task time for the all of projects. I know I can limit how much Boinc uses my computer but I don't need to do that. I just want to limit Asteroids project from doing more than 7 tasks at once, I have tried by using the account_asteroidsathome.net_boinc.xml file and trying two different limits but neither worked and I hoped someone understood how to limit the tasks just for Asteroids project.
1) I added this to the file I mentioned:

I did not see an error in the BOINC log file after rereading the config files. The Asteroids tasks were not limited.

2) I added this instead to the file:
<cmdline>--optimization 3</cmdline>
I did not see an error in the BOINC log file after rereading the config files. The Asteroids tasks were not limited.

How can I limit the number of tasks that Asteroids runs at the same time on my computer.


I have a similar experience but not with Asteroids. The CPU in my computer ozAuthenticAMD
AMD Ryzen 7 5700G with Radeon Graphics [Family 25 Model 80 Stepping 0] (16 processors).

It can do 16 Asteroids tasks at once while running at 170 degrees F. Similar results with Einstein or Milky Way.

But anywhere from five to ten Rosetta tasks will push it over 200 degrees F. Ten WCGT tasks will make it run over 190 degrees.

So I try to limit the number of those tasks running to a few, while still running combinations of 10 or 12 Asteroids, Milky Way or Einstein by suspending most of the Rosetta and WCG tasks. Sometimes I have to select No New Tasks or even suspend one of those. Problem is, Rosetta has only a 3-day turn-around time.

S. Gaber
5) (Message 8427)
Posted 26 May 2024 by Steve Gaber
There are good thermal pastes and mediocre others. Some tend to 'pump out' over time. If it has been a year since you repasted the cpu heatsink, it might be good to revisit the interface and look at the paste spread and thickness by pulling the heatsink and examining.

I've had good results from Arctic MX-6 and my default paste is Kingpin Cooling Kpx. On the expensive side but worth it.

Thanks. I'll check them out.

S. Gaber
6) (Message 8424)
Posted 24 May 2024 by Steve Gaber
Sorry about the double post. I did a double click on Post Reply.

S. Gaber
7) (Message 8423)
Posted 24 May 2024 by Steve Gaber
Depends which CPU fan you've got, and if you used decent thermal paste. Some of both those things are rubbish. I use paste rated at 17 W/mK, and the biggest cooler I can fit.

You can get electrically conducting pastes which move much more heat, but you have to be very careful not to let any get onto the electrics or something expensive will fry. So I never touch that stuff.

i used the paste that came with the Ryzen 7. I think. Maybe it came with the MB. That was over a year ago. I can't remember that far back. :>))
8) (Message 8422)
Posted 24 May 2024 by Steve Gaber
Depends which CPU fan you've got, and if you used decent thermal paste. Some of both those things are rubbish. I use paste rated at 17 W/mK, and the biggest cooler I can fit.

You can get electrically conducting pastes which move much more heat, but you have to be very careful not to let any get onto the electrics or something expensive will fry. So I never touch that stuff.

i used the paste that came with the Ryzen 7. I think. Maybe it came with the MB. That was over a year ago. I can't remember that far back. :>))
9) (Message 8420)
Posted 24 May 2024 by Steve Gaber
True, motherboards have weird default settings. The CPU by itself, no matter what you tell the BIOS, will limit the clock speed to protect itself. It's hard wired and you cannot stop it, Intel and AMD don't want them frying under warranty. That's the only limit you need. If you see it stuck on this limit, you know you should cool more to get more clock speed.

I use custom loop cooling with a thick 360mm radiator on max fans all the time. It has sufficient cooling. I just have a very high ambient room temperature at all times with 5 multi-gpu hosts running all the time. I can normally keep this host in the middle 80's.

But the idiosyncrasy of my particular motherboard BIOS cpu monitor setting is well known by users in not letting the cpu control its thermals itself, it just preempts that on its own at 90° C.

Again, the matter of motherboard manufacturers thinking they know better than to just use the cpu manufacturer recommended board settings to vendors.

I thank you all for your comments. I don't know enough to be familiar with the idiosyncrasies of this Aorus moitherboard nor the Ryzen 7 CPU. I just installed them..

I think the problem is SOLVED!

I reinstalled CoreTemp and omitted the thermal limit.

BTW, This compute has six 120mm fans, plus the CPU fan. On would think that's enough to keep temps within reason. No?

I had been controlling task selection manually, trying to finish each task by its indicated completion time.

But I decided to let BOINC decide the order and number of tasks. Let Asteroids, Milky Way, Einstein and WCG fight it out amongst themselves. Apparently, they've been playing well together.

The computer then started running a combination of as Asteroids and Einstein tasks, totaling 17 tasks at 192 degrees F (89C).

Milky Way completed 45 tasks in about 6 hours. Right now it's running 17 Asteroids tasks at 163 degrees F.

I don't know why it reverted to its previous performance. I didn't change the BIOS, only the CoreTemp settings.

I hope running at 192 degrees, if it does that again, won't cause damage to the hardware.

Thanks again for all your responses.

S. Gaber
10) (Message 8407)
Posted 21 May 2024 by Steve Gaber
So maybe problem is not with app, but with hardware? Problems with fans? Maybe to much dirt on fins?
Install HWMonitor, HWinfo or similar and check temps vs fan rpm

I clean the inside, power supply and fans once a month.

I would think It was a hardware or dirt problem it would affect every projects' tasks. Right now it only affects Asteroids.

I use CoreTemp to monitor temperatures.

Maybe I should disable the feature that sets the shutdown limit and let it run at 186 degrees.

You guys said running at that temperature would not harm the sensitive parts.

S. Gaber
11) (Message 8406)
Posted 21 May 2024 by Steve Gaber
Surely his Ryzen 7 is new enough? It's not as old as my 12 year old things.

It's a little over one year old.
12) (Message 8398)
Posted 21 May 2024 by Steve Gaber
note that just a high temperature isn't a problem. Modern CPUs like yours are designed to keep the maximum temperature limit around 80-95°C under load. This is normal and it also shouldn't cause shutdowns or any issues.

if your PC with 8/16 cores can't sustain 3 tasks load, there's something wrong and you should really check your cooling solution. It's not a problem with the app.

you can configure the app to use a less optimized version by putting app_config.xml into your project's folder and then restart the client
    <cmdline>--optimization 3</cmdline>

this way the app won't hit the CPU that hard, but it'll also be slower = less effective. It's just a workaround and reducing the maximum TDP as I suggested before is usually a better choice.

But the three-task limit only pertains to Asteroids tasks. It will still run 17 Einstein tasks. And two weeks ago it would also run 17 Asteroids tasks at 171 degrees F. Now it runs three tasks at 174 F. With four tasks it will go to 182 degrees. with 5 tasks it will increase to 186 degrees and shut down.

Is running over 180 degrees damaging to the CPU?

S. Gaber.
13) (Message 8395)
Posted 21 May 2024 by Steve Gaber
recent CPUs like your Zen 3 boost up higher and higher until they bump into the power, thermal, or frequency limits. Reaching 80C or 175F under heavy load is normal and by design.
unlike other apps like Einstein, Asteroids app heavily uses optimized CPU features like FMA and better CPU utilization means more heat.

I would play with the Bios / Ryzen Master... lowering power limits / disabling PBO could help significantly with temps without sacrificing too much performance.
Another factor is your integrated GPU. GPU apps are not very effective on this project and you'll likely slow down all your CPU tasks due to shared thermal limits...

Thanks for your reply.

It makes me nervous to play with the BIOS. I am not the most savvy compute user or BOINC cruncher. Although I did put this computer together from parts bought online. Mechanical assembly I can deal with. It's the software part I'm not so good at. But I will try it.

I still don't understand why this change occurred suddenly and spontaneously.

S. Gaber

Now it's only letting me run three Asteroids tasks at once. If I try four, it goes over the temperature limit.

There are 45 Asteroids tasks, all due by May 24. They probably won't all be completed by then running three ay a time.
S. Gaber
14) (Message 8394)
Posted 21 May 2024 by Steve Gaber
recent CPUs like your Zen 3 boost up higher and higher until they bump into the power, thermal, or frequency limits. Reaching 80C or 175F under heavy load is normal and by design.
unlike other apps like Einstein, Asteroids app heavily uses optimized CPU features like FMA and better CPU utilization means more heat.

I would play with the Bios / Ryzen Master... lowering power limits / disabling PBO could help significantly with temps without sacrificing too much performance.
Another factor is your integrated GPU. GPU apps are not very effective on this project and you'll likely slow down all your CPU tasks due to shared thermal limits...

Thanks for your reply.

It makes me nervous to play with the BIOS. I am not the most savvy compute user or BOINC cruncher. Although I did put this computer together from parts bought online. Mechanical assembly I can deal with. It's the software part I'm not so good at. But I will try it.

I still don't understand why this change occurred suddenly and spontaneously.

S. Gaber
15) (Message 8391)
Posted 20 May 2024 by Steve Gaber
Until recently, my computer
(AMD Ryzen 7 5700G with Radeon Graphics [Family 25 Model 80 Stepping 0] (16 processors) AMD AMD Radeon(TM) Graphics (6227MB) OpenCL: 2.0 Microsoft Windows 11 Core x64 Edition, (10.00.22631.00)

was able to run 16 or 17 Asteroids simultaneously and not get over 175 degrees F. Now if I run more than four at once it overheats. I have CoreTemp set the max temp at 184F., after which it will shut down.

Right now it's running 17 Einstein tasks at `171 degrees F.

Asteroids sent me 75 tasks, which I have whittled down to 52.

I didn't make any changes as far as I know. Maybe I did something inadvertently.

So what do you think is happening?

Thanks for any suggestions.

S. Gaber
16) (Message 7921)
Posted 11 Sep 2023 by Steve Gaber
I get those, they either work and complete in an hour on an 8000Gflop GPU, with linear progress on the Boinc counter, or they stick at 0.01% forever and eventually consume all the GPU's VRAM. On mine, they start moving from 0.01% in 3 minutes. If they haven't, they're never going to. I think I've had 10 work ok and 3 break.

It seems not all tasks are the same.

Yes. That task now shows 4:22:59 elapsed with 02:29:40 r4maining. But it still shows .010 progress.

I'm gonna abort it.

Steven Gaber
Oldsmar, FL
17) (Message 7915)
Posted 10 Sep 2023 by Steve Gaber
One task (0.1 CPUs + 1AMD/API GPU) ps_230904 input 14465_117_2 is stuck.
Currently shows 0:46:20 elapsed, 06:18:12 remaining, but only 0.010% progress, with no progress being made since starting yesterday.

Six other Asteroids tasks plus two Universe and one WCG task also running.

This computer
AMD Ryzen 7 5700G with Radeon Graphics [Family 25 Model 80 Stepping 0]
(16 processors) AMD AMD Radeon(TM) Graphics (6227MB) OpenCL: 2.0 Microsoft Windows 11
Core x64 Edition, (10.00.22621.00)

Steven Gaber
Oldsmar, FL
18) (Message 7331)
Posted 17 Nov 2022 by Steve Gaber
Hi everyone,

Server is finally up and running again after more than a year of being down. Everything is migrated to a new server and we hope it will run smoothly for a long time. There are still some minor issues but nothing crutial and all minor tweeks will be done during the time.
I would also like to thank to Georgi Vidinski who has helped with solving some problems.

Radim Vančo (FoxKyong)


Did you get some additional funding and support from your university?

You certainly deserved it.

S. Gaber
Oldsmar, FL
19) (Message 7330)
Posted 16 Nov 2022 by Steve Gaber
Hi everyone,

Server is finally up and running again after more than a year of being down. Everything is migrated to a new server and we hope it will run smoothly for a long time. There are still some minor issues but nothing crutial and all minor tweeks will be done during the time.
I would also like to thank to Georgi Vidinski who has helped with solving some problems.

Radim Vančo (FoxKyong)


Thanks, Radim. Most of us never gave up hope. It was close, though. touch and go, I'd say.

Also, thank you Georgi.

S. Gaber
Oldsmar, FL
20) (Message 7260)
Posted 14 Jul 2021 by Steve Gaber
So this is life on Spaceball One. From a humble beginning as a single celled organism, to a space sensing race crunching numbers for our dear Dark leader, who does not deem us worthy of gracing us with his Helmet. O' to writhe in joyous solitude when once again we are granted the W. U.'s that our CPU's and GPU's so desperately crave. We whisper softly to the box "Yes, soon you will savor the polynomial, taste the sweet tangent, and devourer the elliptical data of far flung intra-solar rocks at Ludicrous sped while enjoying the lovely Plaid that your cores gaze upon in your electronic Heaven."

Dave S.
"There is no box, just think and do that which is right."


The capillaries of our motherboards, the transistors and capacitors of our memory cells grow warm in response to the communication from a fellow supplicant. Sadly, said communication was not emitted from the Sourece of All Data whose recognition our starved CPU/GPU brains so despreately crave. Yet our hard drive hearts still flail in hopeful anticipation that one nanosecond of acknowledgement or appreciation shall emanate from that reputed academic Olympian on whose behalf we foolishly labor and whose attention we anxiously await.

S. Gaber

We wait no longer!

The gods of solar dynamics have heard our cries in the dark. Our prayers are answered.

Today I got 17 Asteroids W.U.s.

Yippee and hallelueah. We'll see long this lasts.

S. Gaber

Next 20