Application details for host 21014
Period Search Application 100.00 windows_intelx86 |
Number of tasks completed |
274 |
Max tasks per day |
499 |
Number of tasks today |
0 |
Consecutive valid tasks |
1 |
Average processing rate |
27.53 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time |
1.11 days |
Period Search Application 100.00 windows_intelx86 (sse3) |
Number of tasks completed |
51 |
Max tasks per day |
485 |
Number of tasks today |
0 |
Consecutive valid tasks |
6 |
Average processing rate |
111.21 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time |
0.62 days |
Period Search Application 100.00 windows_intelx86 (sse2) |
Number of tasks completed |
5 |
Max tasks per day |
503 |
Number of tasks today |
0 |
Consecutive valid tasks |
3 |
Average processing rate |
114.16 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time |
0.36 days |
Period Search Application 101.00 windows_intelx86 (sse2) |
Number of tasks completed |
6 |
Max tasks per day |
506 |
Number of tasks today |
0 |
Consecutive valid tasks |
6 |
Average processing rate |
99.92 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time |
7.24 days |
Period Search Application 101.00 windows_intelx86 (sse3) |
Number of tasks completed |
91 |
Max tasks per day |
573 |
Number of tasks today |
0 |
Consecutive valid tasks |
73 |
Average processing rate |
107.33 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time |
0.66 days |
Period Search Application 102.10 windows_intelx86 (sse3) |
Number of tasks completed |
1878 |
Max tasks per day |
693 |
Number of tasks today |
0 |
Consecutive valid tasks |
193 |
Average processing rate |
121.80 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time |
1.39 days |
Period Search Application 102.10 windows_intelx86 (sse2) |
Number of tasks completed |
253 |
Max tasks per day |
511 |
Number of tasks today |
0 |
Consecutive valid tasks |
11 |
Average processing rate |
90.49 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time |
1.42 days |
Period Search Application 102.10 windows_intelx86 |
Number of tasks completed |
7 |
Max tasks per day |
507 |
Number of tasks today |
0 |
Consecutive valid tasks |
7 |
Average processing rate |
55.57 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time |
0.16 days |
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