Application details for host 49609
Period Search Application 101.10 windows_x86_64 |
Number of tasks completed |
42 |
Max tasks per day |
542 |
Number of tasks today |
0 |
Consecutive valid tasks |
42 |
Average processing rate |
51.32 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time |
3.34 days |
Period Search Application 101.00 windows_x86_64 (sse2) |
Number of tasks completed |
204 |
Max tasks per day |
691 |
Number of tasks today |
0 |
Consecutive valid tasks |
0 |
Average processing rate |
116.24 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time |
5.20 days |
Period Search Application 101.00 windows_x86_64 (sse3) |
Number of tasks completed |
554 |
Max tasks per day |
891 |
Number of tasks today |
0 |
Consecutive valid tasks |
76 |
Average processing rate |
121.29 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time |
10.03 days |
Period Search Application 102.10 windows_x86_64 (sse2) |
Number of tasks completed |
17987 |
Max tasks per day |
527 |
Number of tasks today |
0 |
Consecutive valid tasks |
27 |
Average processing rate |
135.34 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time |
7.45 days |
Period Search Application 102.10 windows_x86_64 (sse3) |
Number of tasks completed |
379 |
Max tasks per day |
318 |
Number of tasks today |
0 |
Consecutive valid tasks |
0 |
Average processing rate |
93.75 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time |
8.71 days |
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