Application details for host 51690
Period Search Application 100.00 windows_x86_64 (cuda55) |
Number of tasks completed |
18 |
Max tasks per day |
518 |
Number of tasks today |
0 |
Consecutive valid tasks |
18 |
Average processing rate |
161.62 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time |
2.06 days |
Period Search Application 101.00 windows_x86_64 (cuda55) |
Number of tasks completed |
20 |
Max tasks per day |
508 |
Number of tasks today |
0 |
Consecutive valid tasks |
8 |
Average processing rate |
235.60 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time |
4.22 days |
Period Search Application 101.10 windows_x86_64 (cuda55) |
Number of tasks completed |
17 |
Max tasks per day |
517 |
Number of tasks today |
0 |
Consecutive valid tasks |
17 |
Average processing rate |
300.43 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time |
2.36 days |
Period Search Application 101.11 windows_x86_64 (cuda55) |
Number of tasks completed |
30 |
Max tasks per day |
530 |
Number of tasks today |
0 |
Consecutive valid tasks |
30 |
Average processing rate |
333.36 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time |
0.54 days |
Period Search Application 101.12 windows_x86_64 (cuda55) |
Number of tasks completed |
224 |
Max tasks per day |
509 |
Number of tasks today |
0 |
Consecutive valid tasks |
9 |
Average processing rate |
276.07 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time |
3.13 days |
Show all versions