Application details for host 649980
Period Search Application 102.10 windows_x86_64 (sse2) |
Number of tasks completed |
45 |
Max tasks per day |
529 |
Number of tasks today |
0 |
Consecutive valid tasks |
29 |
Average processing rate |
184.12 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time |
0.73 days |
Period Search Application 102.10 windows_x86_64 (avx) |
Number of tasks completed |
4705 |
Max tasks per day |
694 |
Number of tasks today |
0 |
Consecutive valid tasks |
196 |
Average processing rate |
357.49 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time |
0.66 days |
Period Search Application 102.12 windows_x86_64 (sse3) |
Number of tasks completed |
32 |
Max tasks per day |
532 |
Number of tasks today |
0 |
Consecutive valid tasks |
32 |
Average processing rate |
186.89 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time |
0.67 days |
Period Search Application 102.12 windows_x86_64 (avx) |
Number of tasks completed |
411 |
Max tasks per day |
861 |
Number of tasks today |
0 |
Consecutive valid tasks |
361 |
Average processing rate |
268.44 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time |
0.76 days |
Period Search Application 102.13 windows_x86_64 (avx_win10) |
Number of tasks completed |
46450 |
Max tasks per day |
26374 |
Number of tasks today |
0 |
Consecutive valid tasks |
9508 |
Average processing rate |
315.53 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time |
0.54 days |
Period Search Application 102.13 windows_x86_64 (sse2_win10) |
Number of tasks completed |
3679 |
Max tasks per day |
3842 |
Number of tasks today |
0 |
Consecutive valid tasks |
2427 |
Average processing rate |
129.66 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time |
0.81 days |
Period Search Application 102.13 windows_x86_64 (sse3_win10) |
Number of tasks completed |
5336 |
Max tasks per day |
3052 |
Number of tasks today |
0 |
Consecutive valid tasks |
520 |
Average processing rate |
162.70 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time |
1.20 days |
Period Search Application 102.14 windows_x86_64 (sse3_win10) |
Number of tasks completed |
19 |
Max tasks per day |
519 |
Number of tasks today |
0 |
Consecutive valid tasks |
19 |
Average processing rate |
218.02 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time |
0.61 days |
Period Search Application 102.14 windows_x86_64 (sse2_win10) |
Number of tasks completed |
11 |
Max tasks per day |
511 |
Number of tasks today |
0 |
Consecutive valid tasks |
11 |
Average processing rate |
211.87 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time |
0.60 days |
Period Search Application 102.15 windows_x86_64 (avx_win10) |
Number of tasks completed |
77 |
Max tasks per day |
577 |
Number of tasks today |
0 |
Consecutive valid tasks |
77 |
Average processing rate |
303.51 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time |
0.68 days |
Period Search Application 102.15 windows_x86_64 (fma_win10) |
Number of tasks completed |
21897 |
Max tasks per day |
22378 |
Number of tasks today |
0 |
Consecutive valid tasks |
13126 |
Average processing rate |
330.00 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time |
0.68 days |
Period Search Application 102.20 windows_x86_64 (win10) |
Number of tasks completed |
24897 |
Max tasks per day |
7851 |
Number of tasks today |
15 |
Consecutive valid tasks |
7352 |
Average processing rate |
307.43 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time |
0.50 days |
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