Application details for host 725862
Period Search Application 102.13 windows_x86_64 (avx_win10) |
Number of tasks completed |
1397 |
Max tasks per day |
888 |
Number of tasks today |
0 |
Consecutive valid tasks |
388 |
Average processing rate |
489.01 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time |
4.57 days |
Period Search Application 102.13 windows_x86_64 (sse3_win10) |
Number of tasks completed |
60 |
Max tasks per day |
559 |
Number of tasks today |
0 |
Consecutive valid tasks |
0 |
Average processing rate |
263.12 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time |
4.01 days |
Period Search Application 102.16 windows_x86_64 (cuda118_win10) |
Number of tasks completed |
126 |
Max tasks per day |
625 |
Number of tasks today |
0 |
Consecutive valid tasks |
97 |
Average processing rate |
2,431.84 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time |
0.57 days |
Period Search Application 102.17 windows_x86_64 (cuda118_win10) |
Number of tasks completed |
5752 |
Max tasks per day |
6247 |
Number of tasks today |
10 |
Consecutive valid tasks |
5747 |
Average processing rate |
3,002.48 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time |
0.31 days |
Period Search Application 102.14 windows_x86_64 (sse3_win10) |
Number of tasks completed |
39 |
Max tasks per day |
539 |
Number of tasks today |
0 |
Consecutive valid tasks |
39 |
Average processing rate |
318.42 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time |
1.43 days |
Period Search Application 102.15 windows_x86_64 (avx_win10) |
Number of tasks completed |
915 |
Max tasks per day |
1414 |
Number of tasks today |
0 |
Consecutive valid tasks |
811 |
Average processing rate |
446.63 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time |
0.85 days |
Period Search Application 102.15 windows_x86_64 (fma_win10) |
Number of tasks completed |
2372 |
Max tasks per day |
2872 |
Number of tasks today |
0 |
Consecutive valid tasks |
2372 |
Average processing rate |
662.01 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time |
0.57 days |
Period Search Application 102.20 windows_x86_64 (win10) |
Number of tasks completed |
1232 |
Max tasks per day |
1732 |
Number of tasks today |
0 |
Consecutive valid tasks |
1232 |
Average processing rate |
550.85 GFLOPS |
Average turnaround time |
0.64 days |
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