Team info

The ARM architecture is on the rise. Small computers/devices which have processors built based on the ARM architecture are quickly spreading all across the globe and may soon become the predominating type of computers.

Smart phones, tablets and smart TV sticks are just a few examples of such small ARM devices. Most of them run the Android operating system. Other small computers based on the ARM architecture also run different versions of the Linux operating system. The best example is probably the all famous Raspberry Pi, the 25$/35$ credit card sized computer which was created with the purpose to make computers accessible to everybody on Earth. Other good examples are the much more powerful members of the ODROID family, the BeagleBone computers or the OLinuXino boards. The list could go on forever.

Computers based on the ARM architecture are considerably cheaper to produce then the x86/x64 giants, they are smaller in size and they consume a lot less power. This makes them ideal to be incorporated into small devices, even running on battery power. The processing power of ARM processors is still at least a magnitude lower than that of their big x86/x64 brothers, but this is probably their only major disadvantage and the rest of their qualities is making them spread across the globe so fast that their total processing capability is no longer something that can be ignored. Their speed is also improving rapidly and today they are already capable enough for applications that require large amounts of processing power, such as BOINC projects.

The main purpose of this BOINC team is to gather all the members who put the ARM processors of their computers/devices to work by running BOINC on them.

Any other participants who don't run BOINC on computers based on the ARM architecture, but are ARM fans in any way, are also welcome to join.

Created 7 Dec 2012
Total credit 15,846,359
Recent average credit 6,433
Remote Test credit 0 total, 0.00 average (0 tasks)
Uppercase credit 0 total, 0.00 average (0 tasks)
AsteroidsAthome credit 0 total, 0.00 average (0 tasks)
Cross-project stats Free-DC
Country International
Type Computer type
Founder Profile Un4Seen
Admins Profile Chazberry Pi
New members in last day 0
Total members 73 (view)
Active members 8 (view)
Members with credit 51 (view)