Home Health Products Asia

Team info
Description Home Health Products Indonesia is the leading supplier of tested medical products in the field of Andullation therapy.Everything we do is intended to enable everyone to actively do something for their own health. So they can be healthier and have a better quality of life. For this purpose, we developed a solution that combines the new technology is very easy to operate and everyone can use it. In this case, our primary focus has always centered to the individual person.
Created 22 Jul 2015
Web site http://www.hhp-id.com/en/
Total credit 732,960
Recent average credit 0
Remote Test credit 0 total, 0.00 average (0 tasks)
Uppercase credit 0 total, 0.00 average (0 tasks)
AsteroidsAthome credit 0 total, 0.00 average (0 tasks)
Cross-project stats BOINCstats.com
Country Indonesia
Type Company
Founder Bjoern
New members in last day 0
Total members 3 (view)
Active members 0 (view)
Members with credit 1 (view)