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Description In the Teachings of the Ascended Masters , it is believed that the Ascended Masters are spiritually enlightened beings who in past incarnations were ordinary humans, but who have experienced a series of spiritual transformations originally called initiations. Both "Mahatma" and "Ascended Master" are terms used in the Teachings of the Ascended Master. The Ascended Master is based on the Theosophical concept of the Mahatma or Masters of Ancient Wisdom. However, some believe that the "Mahatmas" and the "Ascended Masters" differ in certain aspects. According to the Teachings of the Ascended Master, a "Master", "Common", "Shaman" or "Spiritual Master" is a human being who has taken the Fifth Initiation and is therefore able to dwell in the 5th dimension. An "Ascended Master" is a human being who has taken the Sixth Initiation and is therefore able to dwell in the Sixth Dimension. An "Ascended Master" is a human being who has regained full union with his "Mighty I AM Presence". When a human being has regained full union with his "Mighty I AM Presence," that state of full union is called "Ascension." Technically, a human being "ascends" when he takes the Sixth Initiation, and not before. A "Chohan" (Lord) of a "Ray" is an Ascended Master who has been put in charge of one of the 12 "Rays" (until recently, 7 Rays were generally known, and 5 Rays were "secret"), due to having an extraordinary natural spiritual affinity for that Ray. A "Ray" is a concentrated stream of spiritual energy that emanates, ultimately, from the Divine. Each "Ray" is the incarnation / expression of one of the 12 Great Qualities of God, such as the Divine Will, the Divine Wisdom, the Divine Love, etc. The "Chohans (Lords) of the Rays" thus constitute a special group of Ascended Masters (Sixth Level Initiates). Those who have taken the Seventh Initiation occupy the Higher Administrative Positions in the Great White Brotherhood of the Earth. These senior administrative offices are divided into 3 departments: The Department of Manu, the Department of the Planetary Christ and the Department of the Mahachohan.
Created 9 Apr 2018
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Country Kuwait
Type Government agency
Founder sazzzds
New members in last day 0
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Members with credit 1 (view)