Last updated 28 Feb 2025, 16:33:27 UTC

Tony Malcolm ("Retired ex engineer and I.T. specialist from the UK also ex military, hobbies include CNC...")
howardcoit ("Occupation: Insurance Producer Age: 37 Location: Southern Oregon Father of 2 with #3 on...")
Norman Abookire ("Retired (not by choice) English & History major who got sucked into the black hole of...")
Juanhjay ("Coo guy experimenting, researching and just comfortable. I think i. I think im in my...")
zeroout ("I love computer science, physics, astronomy and knowledge.")
[SG]KidDoesCrunch ("Hello, I am living in the middle-west area of Germany in the old Town Colonia Claudia...")
Atheles ("I'm Atheles and I'm happy to donate what little computational resources I have solely to...")
G Roy ("Hi, I'm Roy, male, and a former neuroscientist who loves delving into fascinating subjects...")
George Abraham ("Global Entrepreneur, Business, Management and ERP Consultant, like to support SETI and its...")

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