Last updated 26 Jan 2025, 21:36:43 UTC

SETIKAH ("Let us together! You are Welcome Anytime. SETIKAH Team, Click! ")
Donggy Seo ("I'm from South Korea, but right now I live in Singapore. I am 14 years old.")
YDFRIENDS ("hello my name is andy I'm 11years old")
nathan ("I'm from korea south and I road about space and I want to know extraterrestrial beings so i...")
jong won lee ("꿈이많은 95년생 학생입니다. 주립대 졸업하고...")
msk9315 ("출생지:서울 나이:25 직업:대학생 취미:음악 감상,영화 감상,독서")
Kim Seung-Hye ("Hello I would like to help you in this research I'm a student and fan of science")
choiseowoo97 ("안녕하세요. 서울사는 97년생입니다. 스토리지 엔지니어로 일하고...")
HudsonStecke ("Most doctors are unaware that a Celiac panel like one mentioned on Dr. In this case, it...")
DeborahChu2 ("Hello from Great Britain. I'm glad to came here. My first name is Deborah. I live in a...")

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