Last updated 28 Feb 2025, 16:33:27 UTC

DJ GrumpyPants ("Just a level1 IT Tech")
T Zepp ("33/f/USA Space enthusiast")
Christopher Herr ("Hi everyone, i am a 30+ year old business information scientist living near Stuttgart,...")
LoRdM ("Meine Konfiguration: Intel Xeon CPU X5460 @ 4085MHz / 51°C at load NVIDIA GeForce GTX...")
Mehrweg ("Because I can help without doing anything for it...")
My Computer
?brahim ("Ben BURSA niluferde yaşıyorum .")
andrea ("Salve sono un ragazzo di 40 anni italiano e abito a Ravenna una cittadina romagnola che si...")
PC ("Nature is helping people and other living beings, it is necessary to protect her")
Vlad Ziordia ("Hello! I'ready for any challenge out there!")

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